Assignee/Inventor Search
To obtain information about the patent portfolio of a company or an individual and therefore useful for monitoring the patent activity of competitors. The difficulty associated with searching by name lies in the fact that, in the patent literature, companies can be defined in different ways; this may be due to the change of the company name following acquisitions or mergers or to the different ways of writing in individual countries.
Patent family and Legal status search
A patent family includes all patent applications which, under a basic national application (priority document), are filed in parallel to other patents in other countries. A family search therefore makes it possible to obtain information on the geographical distribution of a patent application or a patent granted for a given invention. It can therefore be deduced in which countries it might be necessary to proceed to challenge protection rights or simply to identify the regional strategies of competitors.
We research and verify the validity of a patent
Through search on the legal status, it is possible to determine the progress and validity of a patent application or a granted patent. This type of search is carried out in the registers of the patent offices where it is also possible to check the status of the payments of the annuities due for the maintenance of a patent.
Monitoring services
Technological monitoring (Alert) is used to keep up to date with developments in a given technology area or to monitor the activity of competitors. Monitoring the Legal status (Watch) is useful for receiving periodical information on the legal status of patent applications (publications of new members of the same family, payment of annuities, etc.).